Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Emergency Stroke Treatment Have You Ever Taken Valium In Your Life?

Have you ever taken Valium in your life? - emergency stroke treatment

It really is a miracle cure. I did it once in an emergency room for treatment of heatstroke. My heart raced and helped me to relax and unwind from my attack. I know I read that there is abuse, but for those who really need their illness, it is wonderful.


P.J. said...

Yes, I believe in my Valium. Volume religiously every night! I know they become addictive. I have had for years and is still at the end of each month. I refuse to abuse it! They are for my muscle spasms and relax so I could rest. After 3 operations, the mayor of the spine and rheumatoid arthritis, I think it is suitable for consumption. LOL I am much stronger medication, I preferred not to give. I am happy that I have an addictive personality. 10 points for the question and a valium to save the day. :)

ferretju... said...

I mean, if I fly. He had a panic attack or two during the flight and it is really shameful. Then I took a Valium before he will help a lot.

Chuck T said...

Unfortunately pleasure in my youth. What if you have something to drink alcohol, I did not and when I woke up in bed with a girl who really know. Would have been worse:))

Chuck T said...

Unfortunately pleasure in my youth. What if you have something to drink alcohol, I did not and when I woke up in bed with a girl who really know. Would have been worse:))

WTamSP said...

Hello, yes, after a major operation again, bad nightmares

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