Sunday, January 17, 2010

Physical Therapy, Cover Letters Necessary Auto Accident Fair Settlement?

Auto accident fair settlement? - physical therapy, cover letters necessary

I was in a car accident that was not my fault, in August last year. Children aged 18 years talking on his cell phone went before me. So far, the insurance pays $ 4,000 + + for my car. To rent two weeks. I have $ 1300 in medical bills, that's my policy as part of my policy to pay up to $ 2,000. If they manage to solve the first $ 2,000 to. I just finished physical therapy and they (the place of treatment) must be provided in the scheme are to be paid. Since I have never been in an accident do not know what to expect. I'm going to the limit of $ 2000 results will have to pay medical bills and can not pay to solve. It was my worst ever pre-existing. doc said in the letter.

If you have any idea how much to expect from the company for ongoing treatment? My insurance says it will not be made for the rest of my life, but remuneration. I do not think that a tax. Because to be resolved too quickly, not 2 years


my avatar's hot! said...

For personal injury lawyers love this kind of thing, not even with an insurance company, which agreed to make a living.

lil vamp said...

get a lawyer and prosecute the hell out of this guy.

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